An Idea & A Dream
Mighty Mug, was founded with one objective; stop spills before they happen.
Every great idea is born out of a problem. Ours was a spilled coffee on a suddenly ruined computer.

Thank you!

March 17 2020 : Shipping Updates
The Top 5 Most Expensive Items You Don't Want to Spill On!

While there's never a good time, there's nothing more expensive then What you spill on. Here's a short list of what I think ate the Top 5 Most Expensive Items You Don't Want to Spill On.

Make the Switch, Make a Change!
A cup of coffee on the go is routine for many Americans, but that's no reason to constantly create waste. Recently more than 60 scientists contributed to a new investigative report on the manufacturing of plastics. The study looks to present a comprehensive analysis of the impact that plastics have on the environment and human health, as well as offer potential ways to curb the negative impact.

30 Days of Wellness with Mighty Mug
I once heard the question posed by a medical doctor: if you could take a magic pill to alleviate or prevent so many of your health problems -- everything from depression, fatigue, weight gain, skin spots, cancer, Alzheimer's and more -- would you do it?

5 Reasons Why You Should Care About Spills!
Mighty Mug was designed to prevent one major problem, spills! But why should you care about liquid spills you're probably asking yourself, well here are 5 solid reasons why.
Lego Do Great Things
Mighty Mug has always been driven by innovation. But if successful companies are measured by their capacity to innovate, our future might be in trouble.

Look Ma, I'm on TV!
A few weeks ago, I attended the event in New York - an event, presented by Inc Magazine and CNBC, to connect with fellow entrepreneurs and visionaries that are inspired by innovation and design.

Looking Good! Mighty Mug Now Sold At Best Buy!
Looking Back on the Summer of Mighty
Can you believe it's almost Autumn?! It seems like just yesterday our Summer interns got started with us here at Mighty HQ.
Summer Is Finally HERE! - Jamocha Shake Recipe
Our health-minded friends will love this recipe from Minimalist Baker for vegan vanilla/mocha milkshakes. It's inspired by Arby's Jamocha Shake, with only 3 simple ingredients.
Mighty Mug 'Solutions' Award Winner at Ambiente
We are so proud and honored to have been selected for Ambiente's prestigious Solutions achievement, which is awarded to products that are proven to be both innovative and effective.
Gary Vaynerchuck Features Mighty Mug
Big Shout out to the one and only Gary Vaynerchuck for featuring Mighty Mug in his email newsletter last week.
If you don't know Gary, he is a social media guru and one of our most favorite people. You can check him out by below to get you DailyVee Dose
Mighty Mug Get's Shot
Over the summer we've had a lot of enthusiastic and entertaining people review the Mighty Mug. It seems a lot of folks really want to push this baby to its limits! Mighty Mug was filmed getting hit with a baseball bat and stabbed with a knife among other things.

Spill Waves, Not Drinks!
Mighty Mug Almost Gets Arrested

Wolfie Stabs Mighty Mug? Gets 3 Million Views

"The Cup That Will Never Spill" - Youtube Star Takes Gun to Mighty Mug - NSFW
"That's some freak S*#t! Well well interwebs you're back at it again. Last week we had Unbox Therapy review Mighty Mug and get 9.5 Million views and this week a young man, who goes by the name Comedy Shorts Gamer, with quite the potty mouth we may add, did a very amusing and fun review of Mighty Mug.

"This Cup Is Unspillable - What Magic Is This?" - Unbox Therapy Meets Mighty Mug
"Come on! Show me where David Copperfield is! This doesn't look right!"
Lew from Unbox Therapy reviews Mighty Mug and the internet absolutely lost its collective mind.

Mighty Mug - Japan
Whenever people saw how Mighty Mug grips when you knock into it but lift's naturally their reactions were priceless.

What is this SORCERY?!?!?!
Many people cry witchcraft but we yell back "it's physics". We only used one cauldron and two spells when creating Mighty Mug and no frogs were harmed during it's conjuring.

" I'm on a Boat"
While it's been a while since we had a chance to ride the open seas a Mighty Mug owner sent us this clip while cruising the waters of Mexico.

Insanity - Mighty Mug Meets Shaun T

#ThrowbackThursday : Coffee's for Your Mug, Not Your Pants
In looking back on some old pics and videos we came across one our first Mighty Mug videos " Coffee is for your Mug not your Pants"

Mighty Mug Goes for a Ride
Have you ever got into your car and left your mug on your roof or hood?
We tested this out with Mighty Mug with professional stunt driver on a closed course. Check it out and don't try this at home.

Happiness Guaranteed - Register Your Mighty Mug
When you register your Mighty Mug we guarantee it for life.

Meredith Vieira Meets Mighty Mug
We recently had the pleasure to hang out with Meredith Vieira and her team.