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Mighty Mug - Japan

Mighty Mug - Japan

  When we first launched Mighty Mug we traveled around the world with a satchel full of Mighty Mug showing the awesomeness of Mighty Mug to anyone that would listen. 

 Whenever people saw how Mighty Mug grips when you knock into it but lift's naturally their reactions were priceless.
  We met two awesome guys from Japan that were literally taken back by Mighty Mug. How their reaction hasn't been applied to all sorts internet memes is one of the great mysteries of the world. 
 The clip is 8 seconds but really starts to heat up around the 5 second mark. 

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Mighty Mug Prototype Demo Mug That Won't Fall

What is this SORCERY?!?!?!

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"This Cup Is Unspillable - What Magic Is This?" - Unbox Therapy Meets Mighty Mug

"This Cup Is Unspillable - What Magic Is This?" - Unbox Therapy Meets Mighty Mug