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What is this SORCERY?!?!?!

Mighty Mug Prototype Demo Mug That Won't Fall

When you launch something so new the challenge is getting people to understand how it works. 

 When we tell you that Mighty Mug knows when to grip but also knows when to lift, you might think it's a magnet or suction, but the truth is that Mighty Mug is very different. 
 When you place Mighty Mug down, our patented Smartgrip automatically goes into grip mode. Only when you lift it will it release. The magic is in Mighty Mug's ability to to do this seamlessly ,so you can use it like any other mug. 
Many people cry witchcraft but we yell back "it's physics". We only used one cauldron and two spells when creating Mighty Mug and no frogs were harmed during it's conjuring. 
In the video below you can see how Mighty Mug grips and releases on command. 

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Mighty Mug The Mug That Won't Fall On A Boat

" I'm on a Boat"

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Mighty Mug The Mug That Won't Fall On A Boat

" I'm on a Boat"