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Make the Switch, Make a Change!

Make the Switch, Make a Change!

    A cup of coffee on the go is routine for many Americans, but that's no reason to constantly create waste. Recently more than 60 scientists contributed to a new investigative report on the manufacturing of plastics. The study looks to present a comprehensive analysis of the impact that plastics have on the environment and human health, as well as offer potential ways to curb the negative impact.

  Findings show that plastic consumption will certainly help the planet. Environmentalists note that plastic waste inadvertently clogs up our oceans. Plastic debris floating in the ocean is often ingested by animals, which poisons them and destroys the natural habitats of sea creatures. In addition, chemicals from plastic can be absorbed by humans and can have various harmful effects on the body and the ways our hormones are regulated. Manufacturing plastic also requires a whole lot of our planet's energy.

  So what can we do to help? It turns out that acting in a way that's friendly to the environment will also save you money. One of the simplest ways to reduce plastic consumption is to switch to reusable travel mugs and water bottles. Fortunately, the Mighty Mug comes in several different styles, so you're guaranteed to find the model that suits your needs. Now you can sip worry-free knowing that you're not only safe from spills, but helping to save the planet one coffee at a time. 

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Mighty Mug 30 Days of Wellness

30 Days of Wellness with Mighty Mug

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An Idea & A Dream

An Idea & A Dream