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30 Days of Wellness with Mighty Mug

Mighty Mug 30 Days of Wellness

I once heard the question posed by a medical doctor: if you could take a magic pill to alleviate or prevent so many of your health problems -- everything from depression, fatigue, weight gain, skin spots, cancer, Alzheimer's and more -- would you do it?

Almost everyone says they would take the pill.

And yet we know we can manage so many of these ailments by doing just a few simple things: eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water and getting enough sleep. So why are so many Americans averse to doing them?

There's plenty of speculation and much of it is legitimate. But at Mighty Mug, we like to focus on solutions. We've taken measures to encourage healthier eating and fitness habits among #TeamMighty in our New Jersey office, including the installation of treadmill desks and healthy lunch options provided for our staff.

Yet we'd like to take it a step further and challenge our #MightyFamily to 30 days of wellness. For the next month, try to be mindful of the things you put inside your body. Make 8 hours of sleep a nightly goal. And don't forget to stay hydrated with plenty of water and healthy beverages (sipped from a Mighty Mug, of course!).

Got any other diet or exercise tips? Please share! We're all in this together.

Be Mighty,

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5 Reason You Should Care About Spilling Mighty Mug

5 Reasons Why You Should Care About Spills!

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Make the Switch, Make a Change!