Mighty Mug was designed to prevent one major problem, spills! But why should you care about liquid spills you're probably asking yourself, well here are 5 solid reasons why.
1. Hot liquid spills hurt like heck!
People can suffer third-degree burns if exposed to 150-degree liquid for more than two seconds (OUCH).
2. Spills are EXPENSIVE.
They are the root cause of most (60%) laptop repairs. Also, think about how many $5 cups go wasted a year, yikes!
3. Spilling is DANGEROUS.
Not only are they messy - they're also a safety hazard. Imagine walking over to Sam in HR and slipping on his spilled latte, shame.
4. Spills are stressful and sad.
It's frustrating and time-consuming to clean up and replace damaged goods. Broken glass, sticky floors, nope not a good time.
5. Who has time for spills?
it's crunch time and you've got less than 5 minutes to hand in your term paper or meeting that deadline and boom a spill takes you out of your flow and leads you down a series of unfortunate events that all could've easily been avoided.