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Lego Do Great Things



Mighty Mug has always been driven by innovation. Part of our success comes from embracing the power of imagination for problem-solving.  But if successful companies are measured by their capacity to innovate, then our future might be in trouble. Research suggests that the world has been experiencing a “creativity crisis” for almost three decades. Part of the problem is that kids are taught how to get the right answer, rather than how to brainstorm through different ideas.

Danish organization The Lego Foundation is looking to change that. Their mission is to inspire and develop the builders of tomorrow through the power of hands on learning. They do this by promoting creativity through a meaningful, socially interactive and playful process. Their hope is to foster children’s desire for learning, and to build core competencies regardless of their social status.

Some of our interns were so moved by The Lego Foundation’s values, they came up with the idea to make a stop motion video featuring Mighty Mug and Legos - two companies that promote ingenuity, innovation and thinking of inventive ways to build new things. By making this video, our interns were able to learn and create marketing value while expressing themselves creatively. 

This short film entertained and inspired us all. As a result, we came up with some great ideas for future internship and marketing projects. We also thought about ways to showcase our different talents, and how we could make the office a more welcoming place to new suggestions. We’ve already got some new projects in the works! Check out some of our new products.

Benjamin Franklin once said, “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement and success have no meaning.” We’ve decided to let these words be our guide… and proved you’re never too old to play with Legos.

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Mighty Mug Jon Fortt CNBC Inc. Magazine

Look Ma, I'm on TV!

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5 Reasons Why You Should Care About Spills!