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Look Ma, I'm on TV!

Mighty Mug Jon Fortt CNBC Inc. Magazine

A few weeks ago, I attended the iCONIC event in New York - a jam packed one day event, presented by Inc. and CNBC, to connect with fellow entrepreneurs and visionaries that are inspired by innovation and design.  

 There I caught up with Jon Fortt of CNBC, and we talked about Mighty Mug's early beginnings. I explained how the company was born out of a problem that we desperately wanted solved (no more spills!), and explained to him how our patented Smartgrip technology works to make Mighty Mug function  

One point of interest that came up during this interview is the cost of a Mighty Mug. Ranging between $16.99 and $24.99, Mighty Mug's pricing is in line with other popular brands in the drinkware space. However, unlike other brands, we have a special and unique function that actually works as an investment.    Not only does Mighty Mug provide a great drinking experience, but it can help save you from costly spills. Think how much time, money and energy is wasted when a disastrous spill ruins important documents, electronics, furniture and clothing. Mighty Mug offers one thing every other drink brand does not: peace of mind. And that, my friends, is priceless.

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Mighty Mug Now Sold At Best Buy

Looking Good! Mighty Mug Now Sold At Best Buy!

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