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Summer Is Finally HERE! - Jamocha Shake Recipe

Mighty Mug Pint Glass - Barware

Summer is FINALLY here! 


Our health-minded friends will love this recipe from Minimalist Baker for vegan vanilla/mocha milkshakes. It's inspired by Arby's Jamocha Shake, with only 3 simple ingredients. 


What You'll Need: 

  • 2 Cups ( -270 g) Vanilla Bean Coconut Ice Cream
  • 1-2 tbsp (6-12g) Unsweetened Cocoa or Cacao Powder 
  • 1/2 - 3/4 Cup (120-180ml) Brewed Coffee, Chilled (medium to bold roast is best)
  • Optional: 2-4 tbsp (30-60ml) Unsweetened Almond or Coconut Milk
  • Optional: Vegan Magic Shell and/or Coconut Whipped Cream for topping

Jamocha Shake - Ingredients


  1. Add ice cream, cocoa powder (starting with 1 tbsp), and coffee (starting with 1/2 cup) to a blender and blend until creamy and smooth. Add more coffee or almond milk (optional) it it has trouble blending.                                                                                                                                                                                   Jamocha Shake - Ingredients
  2. Taste and adjust ingredients as needed, adding more cocoa powder for more chocolate flavor, coffee for more coffee flavor, or almond milk for creaminess (optional).                                                                                                             Jamocha Shake - Ingredients
  3. Divide between 2 serving glasses and top with coconut whipped cream (optional) or vegan magic shell (optional).                                                             Jamocha Shake - Ingredients

 Have a delicious and spill-free season, everyone! 

 Jamocha Shake in Mighty Mug Barware  Pint/Tumbler

*Jamocha Shake featuring our Mighty Mug Barware: Pint/ Tumbler 

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