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Mighty Mug Almost Gets Arrested


With everyone on the web recently  testing Mighty Mug to it's limits, I decided to try something on my own. Although Mighty Mug is made for one thing and one thing only - resisting accidental knocks at your desk or table - many are really pushing it well beyond it's care and use, for example by throwing helmets at it, hitting it with bats, stabbing it, etc.

Many of you have written to us noting how frequently you accidentally leave your coffee mug on the roof of your car, and that Mighty Mug has saved you from that awkward moment when you stop and your coffee mug slides down your windshield.
We decided to test this out on our own... and everything was going great until the police showed up! Check out the video. 
Be Mighty, 
Founder, Mighty Mug
Please note that Mighty Mug is not made for this and this is not covered under our care and use. It is not made to be used in this manner. The mug was placed on a recently cleaned glass sunroof which allowed it to grip optimally.  

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Wolfie Stabs Mighty Mug - Mug That Won't Fall

Wolfie Stabs Mighty Mug? Gets 3 Million Views

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Spill Waves, Not Drinks!

Spill Waves, Not Drinks!