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Mighty Mug: Tool of Titans Tim Ferriss

Since our inception, Mighty Mug ​has been dedicated to problem solving. How can we do things better and make people's lives easier? These are the questions that drive us every day, and we are always looking for inspiration. 
Over the years, we've found some great insight from author, entrepreneur, and public speaker Tim Ferriss. Tim has written several "4-hour" books on self-improvement. One of our favorites, The 4-Hour Workweek, describes how to be more efficient with our work day. We've used these tools to significantly increase our productivity. As Mighty Mug continues to grow, less people have to worry about disastrous spills! 
Last night our CEO was able to meet Tim and show him the Mighty Mug. We're stoked that he loved the product, and we're proud to have impressed him with our technology. Mighty Mug is building a reputation founded on our passion for innovation. It's like Tim says: "Think big and don’t listen to people who tell you it can’t be done. Life’s too short to think small." We agree! That's why we're committed to progress, creativity, and thinking outside the box. 
Like Mr. Ferriss, we believe it's better to work smarter, not harder. This philosophy has done wonders for us and it can work for you too. Check out some more of his ideas in the new book Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers. Make sure you're drinking out of a Mighty Mug while you read -- you don't want to spill over Tim's words of wisdom! 
Be Mighty!

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Gary Vaynerchuck Features Mighty Mug