Gary Vaynerchuck Features Mighty Mug
Big shout out to the one and only Gary Vaynerchuck for featuring Mighty Mug in his e-mail newsletter last week!
If you don't know Gary, he is a social media guru and one of our favorite people. You can check him out by clicking below to get your dose of DailyVee.
When my father and I founded Mighty Mug 5 years ago, we were doing everything from product development, to loading trucks, to driving our forklift into walls and even cleaning the toilets. Today, with a staff of 15 and approaching 2 million Mighty Mugs sold, I can look back on the early days and laugh. When times got tough - and there were many times - I relied on Gary and others to give me that burst of energy and kick my own ass into shape.
As a tribute to Gary, we made a quick video with some of our favorite Garyisms:
"Bro, how old are you? You got time, bro."
"Remember when you were down the shore every weekend, hooking up with girls sipping Rose? I worked!"
"Take that luck shit and stuff it in your pocket."
And what kind of Gary Vee tribute would it be if we weren't wearing iPhone headphones in every clip? Check the video below and let me know what you think!
As always, Be Mighty,
Founder & CEO
Mighty Mug